NNCC Email Newsletter | January 2019

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

NNCC News & Opportunities

new year
As we begin the new year, NNCC resolves to provide you with the best possible services and inspiration. We support you in your commitment to your practice, the work you’ve done to achieve and maintain your nephrology certification credential, and your efforts to improve the lives of your patients.

The NNCC Board of Commissioners

Attending a Spring Conference? Visit NNCC Booth

We are gearing up for a spring full of national nephrology conferences. We hope you will join us at one of the following events:

Get answers to questions about certification/recertification, network, and discover new resources by stopping by the NNCC booth.

NNCC Briefs

NNCC Briefs

  • New Address? Email? Please Let Us Know! If the new year brought personal change for you, please be sure to contact us to update your contact information. Click here and we’ll make sure your changes are made and your questions answered.
  • Just In: The NNCC CCHT certification credential has been approved for technicians working in the state of Ohio.
  • NNCC Offers ASN Member Discount. NNCC now offers a discounted rate for American Society of Nephrology (ASN) members toward their certification or recertification fees for the CNN-NP, CNN, and CDN certification credentials. To receive the discount, simply include your ASN member information with your NNCC application forms.


NNCC News & Opportunities

You’re Invited: Free Home Dialysis Workshop

You’re Invited: Free Home Dialysis Workshop

A Home Dialysis Workshop, Phoenix, AZ, February 5 & 6, 2019, is being offered at no charge as part of the Advanced Renal Education Program. It is open for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nephrologists, and home therapy teams. Space is limited.

Study: Acutely Injured Deceased Donor Kidneys Suitable for Transplant

Kidney health for black patients may depend on where they live and other social inequalities, according to a recent study. (NKF, 1/14/19

FDA Approves Clinical Trial for In-home PD System

A clinical trial by Baxter International, Inc. will assess the safety and effectiveness of a new on-demand PD generation system. (NN & I, 1/9/19)


Industry News & Advice

Industry and Health Care News

Patient Education: Skipping Breakfast Can Increase Diabetes Risk

Let your patients know, research has found skipping even just one breakfast can heighten the risk of diabetes. (ABC News, 12/27/18)

WHO Lists 10 Global Health Threats

The World Health Organization recently released a list of the major threats to health worldwide. (NEJM, 1/18/19)

Can Social Media Jeopardize Nursing Career?

The last thing nurses need is a reprimand from a supervisor about social media use. Fortunately, there are sources to help navigate career and online socializing. (NurseZone, 12/12/18)