Welcome NNCC’s Newest Commissioners
Spring is a time for change and new beginnings. As we express gratitude and appreciation to outgoing Commissioners Danilo Concepcion and Katherine Cure, NNCC is pleased to welcome two new Commissioners. Read about Lori and Mary by clicking their names below.
Did you know NNCC was first established 35 years ago in 1987 to develop and implement certification examinations for nephrology nursing? The NNCC is composed of nine Commissioners: eight with current experience and expertise in nephrology nursing and one public member. Officers of the NNCC include the President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.
Meet the Editor, NNCC's President,
Sandra M. Bodin at the ANNA Annual Symposium
Pre-order your copy of the Contemporary Nephrology Nursing 4th Edition and have a bookplate signed by the Editor and NNCC President, Sandra Bodin, at ANNA Booth #409 during the ANNA 2022 National Symposium.
Signing Times:
Sunday, May 22, 6:15pm - 7:30 pm
Monday, May 23, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Tuesday, May 24, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Quality is your paramount goal, and NNCC wants to reward you for it. The NNCC Quality Improvement Award is given to an individual or organization who has participated in a quality improvement project that promotes optimal patient outcomes in nephrology. The recipient will receive $1,000, national recognition, and a personally delivered engraved plaque during an awards ceremony. Submit the electronic application before June 15, 2022.
Advanced Dialysis Technicians!
Take the NNCC April Pop Quiz.
Calling all Advanced Dialysis Technicians! NNCC's Question of the Month helps you test your knowledge. This month we pose this question for advanced dialysis technicians (CCHT-A). Click the link to see the list of options, choose the correct answer, find the rationale and reference information. You can find this question at NNCC on Facebook. Or, go straight to the question here. Good luck and have fun!
Upcoming Meetings: Visit our Booth!
NNCC will be exhibiting at the following meetings this spring. Please stop by to learn more about NNCC's certifications, award programs and more.
May 22 - 25, 2022, Fort Worth, TX
Booth #516
June 21 - 26, 2022, Orlando, FL
Booth #1532